Welcome. This is a safe space for you to receive experienced, competent & professional Reiki care & training.
— Louise Riley-Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master & RN

Photo of Louise Riley Reiki Master and Teacher

Melbourne Reiki Courses

Anyone is able to learn Reiki. Learning First Degree Reiki is easy, and you will finish the course enabled to give a full Reiki treatment to yourself, and your friends and family. The gift of Reiki will continue to grow in you, and with you, for the rest of your life. You do not need any special skill or experience. I teach traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho, in a form that has been passed down from the Japanese Founder- Mikao Usui, and held intact for over 80 years.

I teach to small groups, this way I can ensure you are taught thoroughly. You will finish the course feeling confident. I nurture my students, my wish is that you carry your Reiki with the highest level of integrity. You will be taught Reiki, and only Reiki in this course.

First Degree Reiki Class( Beginner’s)

Venue - Bayside Melbourne

Next Course; Email Louise

Second degree Reiki courses

Venue - Bayside Melbourne

Next Course; Email Louise

Pre-requisite - First Degree Usui Shiki Ryoho

Reiki Mastership

Pre-requisite -completion of First Degree and Second Degree Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho training