Reiki courses & Reiki events

Courses are taught to small groups in a relaxed supportive environment. Louise teaches all foundation Reiki courses in person, Bayside Melbourne. She teaches traditional Reiki- Usui Shiki Ryoho, the Usui System of Natural Healing.This form of Reiki teaches you about Reiki as a healing modality, powerful personal development tool and a spiritual practice. Louise is in her 17th year as a teaching Reiki.

Beginner’s reiki course

Level 1 Reiki, also called First Degree Reiki, or Shoden, is the beginners level for this beautiful Japanese healing art.

Usual session Times : Friday 7 pm - 9 pm , Saturday from 9am -4 pm and Sunday from 9 am - 12 midday- you need to attend all sessions. You will also receive follow-up/ ongoing Reiki support with  Louise.

Everyone can learn Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. Completing this Reiki workshop will enable you to give Reiki to yourself, family and friends. You will receive comprehensive training and Reiki initiations.

  • Usui Shiki Ryoho is both a healing art and spiritual practice, a wonderful and easy way to help us all deal with the challenges in our busy daily lives

  • This traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho course is authentic and professional, class sizes are small so you receive thorough, individual attention.

Venue: Bayside Melbourne ,further details are provided on registration.

Second Degree Reiki

The next level is called Second Degree, also known as level 2 or Okuden. This is available to students who wish to commit to a deeper level of Reiki training. In Australia, this level of training is required to completed to become a Professional Reiki Practitioner.

Email Louise if you wish to express your interest in learning Second degree

** pre requisite is Completion of First Degree Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho

Mastership Training

Please email Louise if you wish to discuss applying to be a Reiki Master Candidate. Pre-requisite is First and Second degree in Usui Shiki Ryoho.


Louise has been trained to Reiki Master level in four types of Reiki; Usui Shiki Ryoho ( traditional), Usui Tibetan and Komyo Reiki Do. The other type of healing is called Kuruna Reiki, not connected to Usui forms of Reiki. All this training and experience gives her a in depth understanding and knowledge about the world of Reiki.

The form of Reiki that Louise teaches is called Usui Shiki Ryoho ( Usui System of Natural Healing). This style was brought from Japan in the late 1930’s by Hawayo Takata, Takata Sensei was the first person to bring Reiki out of Japan. It is due to her commitment to this practice and over 40 years of dedication that it has spread around the world.

Louise is also an experienced professional tertiary lecturer, this together with her gift as a natural teacher ensures you receive expert training.

Venue: Bayside Melbourne- further details are provided on registration.

 Louise likes to have a short phone chat with all prospective students, once you register she will contact you.

  • ** COVID-19 protocols and practice will be in place to minimise potential risks to all participants

  • If you are unwell; physically, emotionally or psychologically you need to discuss your suitability for this course with Louise